On the 1st of July 2021, the GDR Workshop dedicated to aqueous organic redox flow batteries took place as an online Web conference.
Partner CNRS attended this French network for redox flow batteries (GDR redoxFlow). The GDR RedoxFlow organized thematic workshops on the different research areas concerned by the development of redox flow batteries.
A first workshop was organized on semi-solid and redox targeting technologies. This workshop is dedicated to aqueous organic redox flow batteries. An invited talk from Michael J. Aziz about recent progress in anthraquinone-based flow batteries was followed by a series of short presentation by young researchers.
During this workshop, partner CNRS has held an oral presentation and submitted an abstract beforehand (full program with abstracts can be found here).
The full workshop was held in English and the invitation was sent internationally. 100 people followed the online workshop and FlowCamp/SONAR also attended.