New Technologies – Research Centre is an independent self-financed institute of the University of West Bohemia (UWB) and focused on research, development and innovations for industrial applications. NTC has more than 8 years know-how in the field of redox flow battery scale-up, engineering and research comprising innovations of methods and techniques to research basic phenomena in this field. The department is completely equipped with infrastructure for detailed study of flow batteries at laboratory scale. NTC will be mainly responsible for long-term testing, research of bipolar plates and scale- up of graphite electrodes. Research team will also apply their experiences in simulation and modelling of electrolyte flow and shunt currents.

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Thanks to a long-term experience in redox flow battery field research and available testing equipment, NTC-UWB is hoping to be a valid and valued member of the HIGREEW project consortium. Our main contribution lies in testing, scale up and engineering of the battery components.